Open the browser or user guide and by default you should see AlAzif's exploit host. NOTE: From here you can use any exploit host that supports 9.00 firmware exploiting. Go to > to get your IP address ready for further on. Set IP as AUTOMATIC, and set DHCP as DO NOT SPECIFY. (This USB cannot be used for anything else now unless formatted back to blank) Open Etcher, select the Exfathax or Exfathax_pico *.IMG file, plug in your USB stick, click flash, wait until done and eject USB.

(Minimum 8MB USB stick is recommended, USB 2.0 is preferred over USB 3.0) THIS CANNOT BE AVOIDED, IT IS REQUIRED FOR THE EXPLOIT! You will need a dedicated USB stick with the EXFATHAX *.IMGimaged onto it in order to exploit 9.00 firmware:

Recommended Tutorial (BASIC ONLINE METHOD): (Note: Either is fine to use, Exfathax_pico.img is simply smaller in size) Remove the USB from your computer and plug in to the PS4

MD5 CHECK ANY PUP FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION! - HERE Make a folder on the root of your USB stick called, inside that a folder called, and put the for your chosen firmware in there (PUP's are found below). On PC: Format your stick to EXFAT using any suitable formatting tool. If this doesn't work a full factory format will be required to remove the pending update nag. If you are on 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00 and have a pending update try this: FTP in and delete the PS4UPDATE.PUP file in the /update folder, run update blocker, change your DNS to the ones at the top of this guide, reboot.To enter SAFE MODE, shut down your PS4, hold power to turn it back on and keep holding until you hear the second beep.