1979 in games – Asteroids, Lunar Lander, Galaxian, Head On, Monaco GP, Star Raiders, Football, Heiankyo Alien, Sheriff, Warrior, Tail Gunner, Radar Scope, Temple of Apshai, Akalabeth: World of Doom, Trivial Pursuit, Guess Who?.1978 in games – Space Invaders, Gee Bee, Frogs, Top Trumps, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Simon.1977 in games – Combat, Air-Sea Battle, Canyon Bomber Atari 2600 is launched.
1976 in games – Breakout, Night Driver, Sprint 2, Blockade, Whac-A-Mole.1974 in games – Connect Four, Dungeons & Dragons.
It also saw the appearance of the earliest, simple video games, and the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. This decade saw the board wargame gain a level of popularity.
1960s in games – Twister, Spacewar!, KerPlunk, Trouble, Operation, Battleship Sega is launched. 1950s in games – Tactics, Risk, Yahtzee, The first ever video games are developed ( Tennis for Two, Nimrod and Bertie the Brain). 1920s in games – Escalado Henry and Helal Hassenfeld found the Hassenfeld Brothers company (1923), later shortened to the name Hasbro (1968). 19th century in games – Snakes and Ladders, Sudoku, Ouija Nintendo is launched. 17th century in games – Hangman, Jeu Royal de la Guerre. 16th century in games – Bingo (UK game). 15th century in games – Trick-taking game. Games in ancient times – Royal Game of Ur, Senet, Tic-tac-toe, Rock paper scissors. The following pages are dedicated to important moments and events in the gaming industry, in their respective years.